Science & Spirituality Get it on Between the Covers

Disclaimer:  I am not a scientist.  I am not even particularly bright.

Regardless, one reason I think Mere Christianity is such a compelling book is that Lewis took a fairly scientific approach to a spiritual subject.  The reader can test his claims because the reader is an intrinsic expert on the subject being examined; he is the subject:

There is one thing, and only one, in the whole universe which we know more about than we could learn from external observation. That one thing is Man. We do not merely observe men, we are men. In this case we have, so to speak, inside information; we are in the know.  - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

From this intrinsic point of departure, Brother Clive sets out to step the reader through a series of logical paces.  Granted, there are critics of these paces who argue that they aren’t logical and would likely say that they’re far from scientific.  In the academic sense, they may be right.  Who knows; I’m no academic.  I suppose some would argue that “academic sense” is an oxymoron.  Anyway, back to what’s important: logic, science, and how to impress the ladies…

This brings me to the next logical subject: Goodwill.  Not good will. Goodwill.  Where I source all of my yellow-armpitted Reebok t-shirts with stretched-out necks and that Scientific Approachpatina of use that the ladies cannot resist, and unfortunately takes at least a decade to achieve.  Goodwill is where I invested in a priceless piece of literature for $1.99 plus taxation.  It’s a crusty physics book from the late ’80s.  As I was thumbing through it, I came across the curious paragraph pictured here, which I’m using as a springboard for my next painting.

I say it’s curious because this approach is equally scientific as what Brother Clive asks of his readers in Mere Christianity.

As it turns out, the definition (and the resulting boundary) of Science is regularly up for debate (as is the definition of art).  This editorial and proposed definition from J.P. Siepmann, whose brain wad is probably bigger and more agile than yours and mine combined, lays out a simple solution.  Here’s his schtick:

I would like to propose that we define Science as the “the field of study which attempts to describe and understand the nature of the universe in whole or part.”

Sounds good to me.  Anyway, here’s my point:  Even the most skeptical among us have faith.  I believe what we choose to place that faith in has more to do with how honest we choose to be with ourselves than it does our intellect.  At the end of the day, it is our nature as wayward humans to want to do what we want to do, regardless of Right and Wrong.  Some of us find ways to rationalize it and stay in our nature.  Some of grow weary of the effort required to swim against the current of Truth, and allow it to overpower us.

My hope is that, through exposure to Lewis’ writing, and the Good Book it leads to, more folks will find that there is great rest available in what seem to be turbulent waters.

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2 Responses to Science & Spirituality Get it on Between the Covers

  1. Hi There Derek,
    Thanks for the above, This is a difficult question that covers science, philosophy, ontology, religion, spirituality and more.

    By “family tree”, I mean all of your parents, grand-parents, and so-on, back to the first human on earth who mated and procreated in your direct ancestry. Some would say about 6800 years; some would say three to five million years that humans have existed. I say almost one million years humans have existed here on earth. As a Jesusonian Christian, I do not believe in reincarnation; some here may use that error in their attempted explanation in their answer.

    What is the mathematical chance that all of your direct ancestors would each survive long enough to mate and procreate you ? Yet, you and I are here !

    There is a deep, spiritual truth also involved here, maybe more than one.

    Thank you for all sincere answers !

    Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Truth !
    Nice One!

    • Derek says:

      Hi Jerry. What’s shaking (figuratively speaking…not looking for any details here)? I’m not sure where to begin so I’ll start at the beginning:

      Thanks for the above, This is a difficult question that covers science, philosophy, ontology, religion, spirituality and more.

      I’m with you 100% on the subjects covered. I think of each of those subjects (and more) like different camera angles on the same Truth.

      By “family tree”, I mean all of your parents, grand-parents, and so-on, back to the first human on earth who mated and procreated in your direct ancestry. Some would say about 6800 years; some would say three to five million years that humans have existed. I say almost one million years humans have existed here on earth. As a Jesusonian Christian, I do not believe in reincarnation; some here may use that error in their attempted explanation in their answer.

      I have to say, I’m not sure what you’re talking about here, but no hard feelings….half the time I don’t know what I’m taking about, so let’s just cyber-fist-bump and pretend like this paragraph never happened.

      What is the mathematical chance that all of your direct ancestors would each survive long enough to mate and procreate you ? Yet, you and I are here !

      Depending on your views on predestination, I suppose the chance is either 100%, or a frog’s hair above zero….either way, all this talk about my ancestors mating is kind of grossing me out, Jerry!

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